Kilemche Jailoo Tuz Ashuu (Song Kul)

Add this amazing journey to your roadbook to build your own and very unique trip!

Horseriding in Kilemche

Highlights of the day

The details of your journey in figures

13 km
Drop Positive
820 m
Drop Negative
350 m

Your Journey

Heading to Song Kul lake

1  November - 15  April

This morning, we take the path to reach the shores of Lake Song Kul. On skis, snowshoes or on horseback, and depending on the snow conditions, you will choose your favorite activity to reach the immense plateau of Lake Song Kul. All morning, we climb to the Tuz Ashuu pass by road, then from the pass, we descend to the shores of the lake, which we follow to reach our winter camp in yurts.

13 km
820 m
350 m

Activity types

    Horse Riding

    Embrace the nomadic lifestyle with a horseback journey across vast steppes. Experience the freedom and connection with nature that comes from galloping through these expansive landscapes.


    Ski Touring

    Explore the remote mountains on skis, traversing landscapes few have ever seen. Ski touring in this region blends adventurous spirit with the serenity of pristine snowy expanses.



    Explore tranquil winter landscapes on snowshoes, traversing through silent forests and open fields. It's a serene way to connect with the wilderness during the snowy months.
