Flora and Fauna in Turkmenistan

Flora of Turkmenistan is made of relic forests, subtropics with a set of rare plants, picturesque nooks with preserved centuries-old vegetation.

More than 2.5 thousand plant species grow on the territory of Turkmenistan including about 700 ones in the Kara Kum Desert. Among the most precious plants is 2,000-thousand-old juniper (Turkmen archa) growing on inaccessible tops of the Kopet Dagh. 

Turkmenistan nature calls tourists with its unique attractions: tremendous flora - forests of wild fruit and nut trees, juniper forests on mountain slopes, pistachio savanna forests, saxaul forests, flood-plain tugais.

The fauna is presented with the species of 91 mammals, 372 birds, 74 reptiles and 60 fishes:

  • Central Asian leopards,
  • argalis,
  • koulans,
  • goitered gazelles;

Еnchanting sceneries - from picturesque mountain ridges to lifeless desert sands, from green oases to multikilometer sea coast.

From the blog

1 Noviembre 2023 Blog

Las sorprendentes propiedades de la lana de camello

Lo más interesante de un camello son sus dos jorobas, cubiertas de una gruesa capa de pelo espeso. Es una protección fiable contra las fluctuaciones de temperatura, los vientos fuertes y fríos, y las tormentas de polvo y arena.

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Aigul Kanatbekovna