Flora and Fauna in Uzbekistan

Most of the country is desert and steppe, dominated by an artemisia, a salsola, a sand acacia, a saxaul and a tamarisk. The vegetation of river valleys that occur on dry plains, is fundamentally different from the surrounding desert vegetation. Here there are forests "tugai", where there are a poplar, a willow and a mulberry. In the eastern part of Uzbekistan on the slopes extend broadleaf forests of nut trees, a maple, a birch, an ash and a poplar.

The fauna of the vast desert areas of Uzbekistan is represented by wild boars, wolves, foxes, rabbits and a variety of lizards, snakes and rodents.

In local deserts lives a  rare saiga antelope and a half meter lizard.
Mountainous areas inhabited by wild boars, wolves, foxes, mountain goats, martens, badgers and a rare snow leopard.
Here there are a pheasants, a larks, an owls and large birds of prey.

In reservoirs of Uzbekistan live a dozen species of fish, including the Aral salmon, a trout, a pike, a Aral barbel, a carp, a goldfish, a catfish, a pike.

From the blog

1 Noviembre 2023 Blog

Las sorprendentes propiedades de la lana de camello

Lo más interesante de un camello son sus dos jorobas, cubiertas de una gruesa capa de pelo espeso. Es una protección fiable contra las fluctuaciones de temperatura, los vientos fuertes y fríos, y las tormentas de polvo y arena.

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Aigul Kanatbekovna