History of Afghanistan

The history of Afghanistan, which dates back to prehistoric times when the Aryans arrived, has been influenced, to a great extent, by its geographic location. Located in southern Central Asia and west of the imposing Hindu-Kush barrier, it has controlled since prehistoric times the passageways to the Indian subcontinent and to China. It was invaded, devastated and crossed, in turn, by Persian, Greek, Kushan and Arab armies, but more frequently by nomadic hordes inhabiting the steppes and forests of the North, such as the Aryans, the Scythians, the Parthians. , the Huns and other Turco-Mongolian tribes led by well-known conquerors like Genghis khan and Tamerlan. Afghanistan as a nation only appeared in the 18th century with the weakening of the Turco-Mongolian and Safavid tribes.

From the blog

7 September 2024 Blog

Ak-Cholmok National Game

One of the oldest games of the Kyrgyz. The game can be played anywhere. Boys and girls play together. Players are divided into divisions according to age, and referees are chosen for the game. Each territory has its own name. The finish line is marked.

Author picture

Aidar Japarov

25 August 2024 Blog

Festival of nomadic games in Talas region

On August 3, an impressive Festival of Nomadic Games took place in Talas Oblast, bringing together participants and spectators from all corners of the country. This grand event was a real celebration for all those who appreciate and respect the traditions of the Kyrgyz people.

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Aidar Japarov

9 December 2023 Blog

Toguz Korgool is a Kyrgyz folk game

The first records of this game were found in the Egyptian pyramids, about 7 thousand years old. Ancient Egyptian drawings show that the most avid players were African traders, who spent not a little free time playing the game while waiting for their cargoes or during long journeys.

Author picture

Aibek Asanbaev

11 November 2023 Blog

"Ordo" - Kyrgyz national game

Ordo is one of the most widespread games of the Kyrgyz people, which has survived from ancient times to the present day. The word "ordo" itself means "Khan's stake, khan's palace". The game reproduces the battle for capturing the stake.

Author picture

Aibek Asanbaev